

Over a couple of years, she had reached a point where she was exhausted, getting frequent episodes of burning up every day and swelling in multiple joints and an itchy sore rash on her face which was spreading. She felt like every meal was toxic as she felt unwell each time she ate.

This was despite having given up dairy, gluten, alcohol and many fruits and vegetables.

It was becoming very difficult for her to concentrate at work- She is a GP, and to enjoy times with family and friends.

She knew, because of her work, that mainstream medicine had no answers, except maybe oral steroids or strong immune suppressant medications both of which would have caused severe side effects and so was desperate to avoid them.

Within 6 months her energy levels have much increased. The inflammation and joint problems have settled, and her work, family and social life are all back on track.

“The personalised approach and holistic support have all made a big difference to me and I am very grateful. I am also encouraging several of my patients to try it”

- Dr AMY LEE, GP Cumbria


Rebecca had been battling with various eating disorders since the age of 20 and trying to find a diet that worked. She went on a high Protein Diet and ended up in hospital with a backed-up bowel!

She then tried the metabolic balance diet that suited her better given that she was an A blood type.

Still having some challenges with health and keeping the weight off.

Rebecca opted to have her Epigenetic profile.

The programme identified there were in fact several foods which she was currently eating on a regular basis that were not good for her - including coconut oil and strawberries. Superfoods? Not for Rebecca!

She now retains a steady weight and is in good health.



“I adopted a very unhealthy diet at university, eating little else but potatoes, processed meat and dairy.

Once I left, I had an overhaul of my lifestyle and turned vegan for ethical reasons. I was delighted when this resulted in weight loss, but I wanted to improve further health wise.

Having spoken to Wendy, she helped me realise the link between why I felt so much healthier on a fully plant-based diet – my blood type. I am a type A and thrive on this type of diet.

Following this, I had my Epigenetic profile. This allowed me to stick with my ethical vegan diet while excluding the foods that were ‘bad’ for my body.

By sticking to the recommendation's, I feel incredibly healthy and have tons of energy – despite years of eating rubbish!”



I was already on another healthy eating diet and

decided to try the Epigenetic programme alongside it. It was easy to follow as I put the list of foods on my home screen of my phone so I could always check it when out shopping. I noticed a marked improvement in my energy levels which made it easier to exercise and my skin is fresher. I have also lost stubborn cellulite that

I have never been able to shift, and my weight loss has continued. I would recommend the Epigenetic programme to anyone”


I became a vegetarian many years ago but recently realised there was still work to do on my diet and health. After years of trying many diets, I decided to consult Wendy who advised me about DNA testing and epigenetics. I decided to take a test as I realised the knowledge I would gain would enable me to take control of my health. The results and information I received were so informative. From these details I was able, with help to adapt my diet looking at foods which would encourage my good genes to work well and how to tone down the bad genes. I have good energy levels, good cognitive ability, much less inflammation and feel healthy. I would recommend DNA testing and looking at how your genes are functioning as a way of living a healthy life.

-Valerie Nicholas

For many years I have suffered with high blood pressure and Rheumatoid Arthritis. After working with Wendy on a personalised plan over three months. For the first time in eight years my blood pressure has returned to normal levels. As a sufferer of Rheumatoid Arthritis my energy levels have been very low and the pain debilitating. In just three months of following my personalised plan with Wendy. My energy levels have increased, and my pains are minor. I can honestly say that I feel like a different person. My friends and family say how well I look now. I never thought I would feel this good again.

Thank you, Wendy, for all your help and advice.

- Jean Bartlett`

During my recovery from chemotherapy for bone marrow cancer, I found I was struggling to regain my energy and health in general. Despite doing quite a lot of research on nutrition and healthy lifestyle, including changing my diet by cutting out all processed foods and only eating fresh food including a lot of vegetables, I felt I had reached a plateau which it seemed I could not rise above. It was only after consulting Wendy and adopting a personalised approach. That I saw an improvement in my health. This, in conjunction with the vitamins recommended by her, specific to my condition and blood type, has returned my health to normality.

Many thanks

Roy Watts

A diet specific to my health condition, genetics and blood type was created for me. I have never felt more energised or content for as long as I can remember. Universal diets which are routinely splashed across the media are not as helpful to most people as they seemI’m really pleased with the results of the Epigenetic programme. I’ve dropped more than a dress size and I’m feeling very well - no more indigestion or feeling gassy or bloated. I’m eating three meals a day without worrying about portion size or the bothersome Calorie Counting that I grew up with for most of my life, which never worked for me in the long run. I would encourage anybody who has struggled with their digestive health and never found a satisfactory regime to give it a go. I’m delighted that I’ve found a way forward for the rest of my life which is easy to follow and gives me freedom to eat, drink and enjoy!I am so delighted with my journey thank you Wendy.

all the best


Dear Wendy,

To begin with I was a bit sceptical that you could bring about the changes you claimed were possible. I thought that at my age (67) I was as good as I could be because I have tried to look after myself all my life. However, I thought that there was nothing to lose in trying out your personalised approach. After following your directions. I am thrilled with the improvements in all areas of my life. I will try to list all my improvements so that you can see why I am so pleased with the results. From the top: - The spots and skin blemishes I had from time to time have disappeared. My headaches and the pains behind my eyes have gone completely. My hearing has improved. My joints no longer ache and so I am training harder than before. My muscle mass is increasing, and my biceps are developing when I thought it would never happen because of the pains in my elbows. The problems with my prostate have greatly reduced. My toenails are growing properly for the first time in years. As well as all this I have much more energy and a renewed zest for life. I am getting on with work on my house that I have been neglecting for the last few years. Each night I go to bed tired but happy that I have not wasted a moment's time in the day. I cannot thank you enough for the help you have given me, and I look forward to each day being as full as I can make it. I am so pleased you chose to share your knowledge with me.

Many thanks

Tony Creegan

Dear Wendy,

I am writing this letter to tell you how very pleased I am that I came to see you, my personalised plan that you worked out for me has been very beneficial for me, and the supplements you prescribed have improved my health and well-being altogether. When I was 61 years of age I suddenly developed very serious allergies, and I had test after test to ascertain the cause, but to no avail, in desperation I was sent to the Westmorland General Hospital to consult a dietician, and for 18 months she worked with me to find a suitable diet, which was a low salicylate diet, but with a great many reservations, for instance she found that I could not tolerate any other fruit except bananas and tinned pears, vegetables were onions, potatoes, leeks, cabbages and swede, and I came to hate the sight of swede! But I did not get any better. I persevered with this diet for 3 years, until I was introduced to you and followed the personalised diet plan and the supplements needed to help my system recuperate, it has taken five months but I can honestly say that I feel much better, and am able to relax even the diet on occasion, I still get the odd rash but it is as nothing compared to what I used to suffer, and I do not feel in any danger now from anaphylactic shock although I still have the EpiPen just in case. It was my 67th birthday on Monday last, and I am satisfied that the diet is working and is a joy for me, after the years of such a strict diet what a pleasure to be able to eat fish, have a choice of vegetables.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.


Dear Wendy

I wanted to thank you for all your help with Jennifer in the past few months. I brought her to you because she was suffering from severe headaches, which our GP had diagnosed as migraine. I was very unhappy at her being prescribed such strong medication. You were recommended to me by my sister after helping my niece through some potentially serious problems.Jennifer was inspired by you to follow the personalised diet programme and followed it meticulously. This was no small achievement for a 16-year-old. This speaks volumes for the confidence she had in you. After just one month she was headache free and within four months she is a different girl. Not only has she not had a headache in months but is more confidant, not at all moody and full of vitality.

My sincere thanks once again.

Kathrin Park.


I knew my lifestyle was a mess. I had no reason to look after myself properly, living on my own. I became very overweight, eating and drinking what I wanted, when I wanted.

My Niece put me on to Wendy, and her DNA Programme.

It soon became very clear that I was doing the right thing.

Wendy has been very helpful right from the beginning

Our first meeting was via video call which was over two hours long. She is obviously passionate about her work, and took her time explaining how my DNA works with my blood type.

It didn't take long after I started, to see the dramatic changes in myself.

I started this in May. After three months, I have lost a stone in weight. This is helping my knees and legs. I am walking so much better than I have done for years. I am now wanting to do things, which is fantastic. I have got energy which I didn't know was possible.

I have also noticed that my skin, and nails are also much healthier. I am getting out and about more, and doing so much more at home.

Thank you Wendy, for sorting me out.


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Email : wendy@wendyrichards.co.uk | Contact : 07841692233